How To Value (& Price) Your Creative Work

How To Value (& Price) Your Creative Work

What Is [Your] Creative Work Worth? Once we get past the itchy judgy mainstream idea that creative work doesn’t have inherent value. Once we get to the place of understanding the incredible power that being creative has to heal our own souls. Once we dedicate...

Come Play Big! With Me!

This weekend, December 7-8, I’ll be in Los Angeles, California at: Won’t you join me?  Click here for the lowest rate possible and more information and let me know if you’re coming.  Melissa has been a huge help to me and I adore her kind and expert...

Are You Too Creative?

[youtube=] Ready?  Join us at Dream To Done In A Day on Saturday, October 27th!  Click here to begin your registration process or read the below post for more.  If you’d like to join the list I mentioned full of resources to bring...