Love Your Creative Practice

From moments to habits to a lifetime of creative joy!

Get support, get clear, get a plan, and leap forward. Go from overwhelmed, uncertain, and alone to calm, confident, and connected to work you adore that loves you back.


“Creativity is always a leap of faith. You’re faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.”

– Julia Cameron

You are a:

  • Working artist, writer and/or musician…

…whose well is running dry

…who is too busy with the business of art or earning income to create consistently

…who worries about improving the quality of their work

…whose creative process is haphazard, dependent on inspiration and stressing them out

…who has 900 projects started, but few finished

  • Creative Professional so busy bringing other people’s visions to life that they fear that have lost their own & long to get back to making their own work, or a
  • Serious creative hobbyist ready to improve the consistency and quality of their work so they can make it a bigger part of their lives


The creative practice is the foundation of a happy and productive artistic life as well as a stable emotional life.  When it gets crowded out, ignored, or subjected to the swings of mood or fortune, everything else in life gets off-balance.



If you’ve been:

  • Impatient with or resentful of students, children or loved ones
  • Struggling to identify and communicate your emotions effectively
  • Tired, overwhelmed, run-down, or mildly depressed (especially with that kind of “why bother” feeling)
  • Self-judgemental and lacking self-trust
  • Bored, turning always to distractions like social media instead of healthy pursuits


Those are all symptoms of an unhealthy creative practice.  Even if you have a million ideas, but they aren’t amounting to anything.  Even if you are a professional who is riding on their laurels of past work.  Even if you crank out work (crankily) on a regular basis.


It’s time to Love Your Creative Practice (Again)!


Love Your Creative Practice


A cohort-based 4-month group program that gives you a firm foundation to always have a well full of great ideas, begin, complete and share projects in a happy and stress-free way, discover the time, money and space to create regularly (even in the midst of an overcrowded life).


You will:

  • Integrate your artistic and life purpose into daily life
  • Find the courage, energy & enthusiasm to begin new projects
  • Revitalize/rediscover forgotten artistic projects and dreams
  • Learn how to finish projects while keeping the juices flowing with new ideas
  • Move forward with consistent support & community
  • Develop skills & strategies to deal with blocks, doubts, burnout & external pressure
  • Create the optimal circumstances for creativity
  • Develop healthy attitudes about creative work
  • Erase creative guilt


All within a supportive, safe, and fun community, with the one-on-one support that no book can provide.

Imagine yourself consistently producing creative work, joyfully, without guilt, every day. Yes, YOU!

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In addition to learning about the Anatomy Of The Creative Process (it’s more complex than you imagined), this program gently holds your hand, nudges you along and helps you re-establish a healthy relationship with muse, with regular creative practice (in a way that works for you- no cookie cutters here), and with your whole creative life.

It Accomplishes This Over 4 Months, With:

  • Monthly Work-Alongside-Me Audio Creative Practice Guides
  • Monthly Group Live Coaching Call
  • Weekly Online Inspirations
  • Online Group Support
  • 1-Day Virtual Retreat
  • Next Steps Private Session


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Investment: $735 or 5 monthly payments of $147 $485 or 5 monthly payments of $97

Join “Love Your Creative Practice” – Pay in Full

Join “Love your creative practice” – Pay In Installments






Still not sure? If you think you need something but don’t think this program is a good fit or if you still have questions…jump on my calendar. Let’s chat and figure out the best path forward, together.

Jump on my calendar