Forest Trail

When the news is full of disaster, war and climate change…

When life is full, even overfull, of tasks and shoulds…

When everyone else’s needs seem more pressing than that tiny inner voice…

When you’re tired, bone tired…

When it’s hard to trust yourself, because of all that history…

When you lack people around you who understand…

When you’ve buried what you want for so long, you’re not even quite sure what it is…

When the thing calling to you seems frivolous and silly or enormous and intimidating…

When you’re not sure how or even if you can bring this vision to life…


You have permission…

Permission to let go of what you cannot change…

Permission to delegate, ditch, hire out and let go…

Permission to pause and listen, really listen to that tiny valid vital inner voice…

Permission to rest, really truly recouperate…

Permission to trust the self you are becoming and to trust those who are trustworthy…

Permission to reach out to people who understand…

Permission to take time to unearth your wanting…

Permission to believe that frivolous and silly things can bring healing and joy and that things that seem enormous and intimidating can be brought to life one manageable step at a time (like learning an instrument or a language or a craft) and that that work is deeply and truly worth it…

Permission to claim your vision without knowing how (or even if) you can bring it to life, trusting that something put that vision in you for a reason and your job now is simply to carry it forward and to ask for help…


And, you are invited…

Invited to discern, envision and begin to trust yourself and your longing…

Invited to join people who, like you, have a creative vision they want to bring to life…

Invited to be fully yourself, even as you discover and rediscover who that is (and it changes)…

Invited to do the work you are best suited for and trust that the world needs it too…

Invited to imagine that this work can also support the life you seek…

Invited to get the right support, so that struggle and longing turn into clarity, action and results…