Mission-Driven Creative Life & Livelihood Circle

Take Your Creative Career To The Next Level

Get support, get clear, get a plan, and leap forward. Join a powerful and supportive program that moves you from overwhelmed, uncertain, and alone to calm, confident, and connected to work you adore that loves you back. If you have a bigger social mission connected to your creative practice, then this group is for you!


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank


 If You Are…

…Endlessly “investing” in building a creative career that never seems to quite pay all the bills

…Stuck in a job that isn’t you

…At a level of success that was fine, even exciting, 5 or 10 or 20 years ago, but no longer works for you

…Searching for a job in your field without success and wondering where else to look

…Suffering from endlessly pushing aside personal goals until the creative career can support them

…Ready for the next stage in your life’s work

…Talented, experienced, but baffled about how to earn a livelihood you love


For artists & creatives who are ready to live more integrated lives in which their gifts are consistently rewarded with sustainable income.



Tired of feeling overwhelmed & disorganized, getting yelled at by your inner critic, having trouble prioritizing/choosing what to work on, needing more income, but not sure where to get it, fear or hatred of marketing & promotion.

Ready for clarity, focus, direction, next steps, a way to confidently and clearly talk about your work and get paid for it, organized time, getting in front of the perfect audience, and steady creative income.


In the MissionDriven Creative Life & Livelihood Circle, you will receive:

  • Monthly Facilitated Group Mastermind Call
  • Discernment Partners
  • Journaling Exercises & Creative Discernment Activities
  • 1 Private get started and 1 next steps coaching call
  • Email Support with Patricia
  • 4 Quarterly Private Coaching Sessions
  • Annual Live Group Retreat in Oregon
  • 4 Quarterly virtual one-day retreats
  • Enrollment In Love Your Livelihood Program (Levels 1-2)
All within a supportive, safe, and fun community, with the one-on-one support that no book can provide.


IFOL Testimonial_MegH



Love Your Livelihood is a cohort-based 4-month group program that gives you a firm foundation to share your creative gifts and be valued for them, either in the context of a creative business or as a freelance/working artist.  The training in this program is included within all the other programs as well, PLUS there is a Level 1 and a Level 2, so you can continue to grow until you reach your goals. 

It is for: overwhelmed and undervalued artists, writers, musicians and other creators ready to build sustainable creative income alongside a happy fulfilled life.

It includes:

  • Skill-Building
  • Habit-Formation
  • Mindset Development
  • Group Support & Encouragement
  • Planning & Strategy
  • Tools & Resources
  • Problem-Solving Coaching


Designed Over 7 Years & Over 100 Clients To Help You Create Real Creative Income With Integrity & Joy.


IFOL Testimonial_BrigetBoyle


FAST ACTION BONUS: A private coaching session with Patricia ($200 value, incalculable time saved and direction gained!)

Investment: Fall Pricing – $5,161 or 13 monthly payments of $397

Join Level 1 Only – Pay in Full

Join Level 1 Only – Installments

"Don't put it off. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible."

IFOL Testimonial_StephanieM



Still not sure? If you think you need something but don’t think this program is a good fit or if you still have questions…jump on my calendar. Let’s chat and figure out the best path forward, together.

Jump on my calendar

Have more questions? I am here to help! Email me.