Kevin Trice- Graphic Designer & Painter

I met Patricia at a creative workshop she was giving in Denver in the spring of 2011. In this workshop, she referred to your projects as your "baby" and how to birth and nurture this "baby" to fulfillment. It was such a cool concept, I decided to join Patricia's "Inner Fire, Outer Light" program. I believe, it is important to brainstorm with a creative that has insight, inspiration, vision, humility and most of all talent. Patricia has all of these, plus an infectious desire to see other creatives, birth their own projects to life. I value her concepts and I plan on using what I learned from her to grow my career and maybe inspire somebody else.
Thanks Patricia,
Your friend Kevin Trice (Graphic Artist with Fine Art Skills)
Inner Fire Outer Light
"a creative that has insight, inspiration, vision, humility and most of all talent"