Thriving Creative Life & Livelihood Plan For Performers – Virtual Workshop

Feeling excited after the conference?

Me too! I want you to make the most of your experience there. Don’t let that energy fizzle away. Use it!

Join me for a Virtual Workshop, where I will help you integrate everything you learned at the conference and focus it into a clear plan right for you and your goals.


October 18, 2018 | 9:30 am – 11:00 am (Pacific Time)

No Cost To You (You Entered The Drawing!)

Save My Spot!

Even if you can’t make it live, you’ll want to register…


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 Here is what you will learn & do in the workshop:

  • Outline Your Personal & Professional Musical Life & Livelihood Goals
  • Organize Conference Resources So They Work For You
  • Identify & Learn What To Do With Those Recurring Obstacles
  • Prioritize Next Steps & Know What Can Wait
  • Gain Confidence That You Are On Path


A goal without a plan is just a dream

You are likely an expert learner, right?

And, you just learned a lot, I hope!

Now, all you have to do is integrate all you learned into your existing beautifully constructed strategic plan for your creative life and livelihood. 

Wait, you don’t have one?  Or, it needs revision?

Or, integration is the part that isn’t as easy for you?

Never fear.  Integration is my specialty and what this Virtual Workshop is designed to help you do.

Save My Spot!


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Meet Your Host

Patricia 122

Patricia Morrison is the founder of Inner Fire, Outer Light, which helps overwhelmed and under-valued creatives make a living, make a life and make a difference with their gifts. Artists, writers, musicians and creative professionals who are tired of leaving their destiny under the control of others, trading their life goals for their creative ones, and looking successful from the outside, but not feeling that way inside.

Working with Patricia, they take back their sovereignty, transform their scattered and unfulfilling work lives, finish projects, and create integrated lives in which their gifts are rewarded with sustainable income, their visions are valued, and they never have to choose between personal and creative goals again, while becoming the forces of good in the world they seek to be. Patricia is trained in visual art, writing, music, education and business coaching and toured nationally as a contemporary folk singer/songwriter.



IFOL Testimonial_BrigetBoyle

October 18, 2018 | 9:30 am – 11:00 am (Pacific Time)

No Cost To You (You Entered The Drawing!)

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