Winslow Homer painting, "In The Hammock"

Now is a great time to discover what kind of restoration you really need before summer is over. Use this simple guide to choose between 3 options and let me know how it goes, OK?


1. Vacation


If you feel:

  • Content with the direction of your life
  • Sleepy, tired, worn out
  • Ready to reconnect with people you care about



Plan ahead, since much of the joy of a vacation is in the anticipation, although even a last-minute weekend getaway can do the trick
What to do:

  • Focus on rest and enjoying being with the people you are vacationing with, rather than packing a full schedule.
  • Hint: you can certainly vacation alone, but if you really want solitude, one of the other two options may be a better fit.
  • Reading, sleeping, walking/hiking, talking, eating, doing puzzles are all great options.
  • If you are going someplace with great sites to see, focus on one or two highlights and then let the rest be based on what you feel like doing each day. Leave to-do lists at home.


Where to go:
It’s up to you, but make sure the amount of travel time/ travel hassle is worth it for the time you’ll be away. Strive to have as much time just being there as possible.

Creativity Now Retreat Wordle
2.  Retreat
If you feel:

  • Discouraged, stuck, uninspired, or like you forgot how to care
  • Prickly, fragile, overwhelmed, or on the verge of depression
  • Lost in transition, unclear about what’s next, in need of perspective
  • Detached from your true self, soul, spiritual life, nature
  • Disorganized, unfocused, or ineffective



  • Most retreat centers and guided retreats have their best rates well in advance and planning ahead will give you a sense of calm right away, but even a couple of weeks or a month ahead, you can often find a retreat with space and reasonable rates.
  • Retreats don’t have to be long to provide a real recharge.  If you can’t get away for a week, an extended weekend will work well.  Even a Friday night and Saturday can do wonders.


What to do:

  • If you are attending a facilitated retreat, there will be activities planned and meals provided.  Always use your own best judgement about what you need.  You can certainly attend some things and keep to yourself when needed.  Some retreats even have solo time built in.
  • The outcomes of a retreat can be powerful and they are almost always internal.  Instead of going with a goal to finish a project, open yourself to making inward leaps and bounds so you can go home and have everything work better.


Where to go:

  • For an unguided solo experience, camping, a friend’s unoccupied house or cabin, or a religious retreat center can be a great way to have quiet time at a reasonable cost
  • For a guided and supported experience, reach out to facilitators, guides, and mentors you trust.  Many of them may already lead retreats and would be happy for you to attend.
  • Delaine Due, art therapist & founder of People’s Art & I lead two Creativity Now! retreats each year, the fall one in Southern OR, September 25th-28th and the spring one in Santa Fe, NM, April 16th-19th, 2015.


Retreat Group
3.  Engage
If you feel:

  • Antsy, anxious, or impatient
  • You have an urgent need that needs to be addressed (professional, income, relationship, health, or other vital need)
  • You know where you are headed, but aren’t sure how to get there

  • Don’t let the anxiety build.  Reach out.  Assess several programs to see what is the best fit for you and then step bravely into a commitment that will support long-term growth and change.
What to do:

  • If you have multiple urgent needs and goals, look to see which one might put you back on stable footing to deal with the rest, if it got attention right away.
Where to go:

  • Again, this is about relationship and trust.  Begin within.  Commit to yourself that you are ready to make a change and that you will stick with that commitment by investing time, belief and money (wisely, of course).
  • Instead of surfing the web randomly, start with those mentors, guides, and trusted advisors you know.  If they don’t offer what you need, they will guide you in the right direction.
  • Click here to claim a Creative Clarity Jumpstart with me, if you’d like some direction.