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FREE for a limited time!

Creative Social Change Funding Strategy

5‑Day Kickstarter

In about 30 minutes each day, you’ll learn and create a real workable strategy to fund your creative social change idea! Plus, there is a bonus next steps workshop built in.

FREE for a limited time!

The Space to Create

5‑Day Challenge

Discover the space, time, and motivation to create every day. In about 30 minutes a day, this challenge offers strategies to help you activate and enjoy your creative work.

Snoopy On Overcoming Creative Blocks

hibernating animalsSo, we’ve nearly come to February.  The shine of New Year’s Resolutions is wearing thin and the primal grizzly bear urge to hide on the couch under a blanket until Spring is going strong. I’ve been feeling it, too, and not for the first time!

What do we DO when we feel worn out, hopeless, and discouraged?

I shared some wisdom with my Inner Fire, Outer Light posse earlier this week and wanted to pass along the love to you as I know we’re not the only ones suffering from the urge to hibernate!  Let me know how it goes by sharing on the Facebook Page, won’t you?

It is tempting to enter the downward spiral of self-blame, TV, and chocolate, but there is another way.  Read on for practical and simple ways to move back into our joyous, creating selves even before the spring.
“Remember that keeping your SELF fueled and aflame is the most important thing.

“You cannot allow yourself to get overtired, underfed or to lose your sense of humor. If you do, the whole thing will fall apart.

“So even though it might seem backwards, you must rest MORE now, OK?”  -Samantha Bennett



The key here is micro-action, then celebration.  Nothing is too small.

1. Begin with the basics

Eat, sleep, exercise.  Don’t neglect any of these.  Again, micro-action.  If you’ve suddenly become a couch potato, don’t plan to run 5 miles a day.  Simply get out of the house a talk a short walk once a day to start.  Then, celebrate!

2. Celebrate every action

Find small ways to celebrate.  Post it on Facebook or email a friend.  Make yourself your favorite kind of tea.  Call a good friend.  Pet your cat or dog for a few minutes.  Say nice things to yourself.  Get a good hug.  Dance around the living room to your favorite song.

3.  Creative Diversion

If you want to lounge and watch TV, instead, try taking down the instrument or pen or needle and make something for 5 minutes.  I’m serious, just five minutes.  Play one song.  Write a stream-of-consciousness poem.  Stitch one seam.  Then, celebrate!

You may continue if you wish.

4.  Micro-burst of Action

If you’re working on the business end of your creative life, it may seem ideal to make a list of 30 potential clients, then pick up the phone and call all of them. Truth be told, you will mostly leave messages, so this might only take 60-90 minutes and if you can do it that way, bravo!

But, for the rest of us mortals, here’s another path.

Make one call.

That’s it.  Keep it simple.  Use a script and leave that voicemail.  Then, celebrate.

If you want to continue, go right ahead, but not before doing a little happy dance :).

I don’t say this to be silly, but because, just in order to pick up that phone in the first place, I want to acknowledge those of you who had to wriggle your way out of the straight-jacket of your fears, self-criticisms, external messages, and so much more.  Just to pick up that phone and dial (and then not hang up until you left a message) was a victory!  And, victories ought to be celebrated!

Plus, then you know you can do it again and that’s pretty helpful when your goal is to actually SHARE your creative gifts with a world hungry for them.

Ready to share your struggles and micro-celebrations in a Creative Community?

Ready for an advocate and guide for your creative work to finally produce the income, recognition, fans, and impact you’ve been longing after?

I have opened up a few spaces this week (they vanish February 1st!) to help you gain clarity, direction and connection to the resources you need to move your creative life forward.  Click here to claim yours today!

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9 Experts Help You Go From Starving Artist To Creative Rock Star

I’m so excited to officially announce and invite you to join us at:

Take Your Talent To The Bank:
From Starving Artist To Creative Rock Star
A [FREE] Virtual Conference
January 8th- 11th, 2013

Ready to escape the starving artist mentality (and reality) and get the recognition, fans, and income you deserve?  Thinking about making the leap from hobby to sharing your gifts in a bigger way?

Never fear having to “get a job” again!

Learn from NINE successful creatives (in all different areas of creativity) who have been where you are now and used their creativity to pull ahead of their peers to earn what they deserve, develop a loyal fanbase, plus get recognized as professionals. They will share their struggles, their secrets and their strategies with you!

Besides me, you’ll hear from:

An internationally touring performer, playwright, screenwriter & more

Patty Hankins Cover_small
A best-selling author & photographer

Can't Sleep Without Sheep_small
An acclaimed children’s picture book author of nearly a dozen books

A top 5% earning actor with NY & LA careers

Melissa McFarlane
A multi-6-figure creative business coach & actor

A celebrated visionary fiber artist and painter, author, editor & more

One of the most sought after Marilyn Tribute artists in the world today


You are talented.  You’ve likely spent years in school and out honing your skills and developing your vision and voice.  So, why do you still have to work three jobs (or a mind-numbing corporate job) to make ends meet?

Where is the recognition, the income, and the sense of joy you expected?  Perhaps you haven’t yet taken the leap to try to earn income from your creative work, because everyone around you tells you it’s crazy, unrealistic and impossible.  Maybe you have and you’re starting to wonder if they were all right.

Are the inner gremlins gaining power?  You know the ones that tell you that it’s just that YOU aren’t good enough, talented enough, hard-working enough?  Are they keeping you from finishing your projects and sharing them with the world?  Have they got you applying to work in soul-sucking jobs, even though you swore you’d never go back?

I have been there and felt ALL of these things.  I worked in nonprofits, as a classroom teacher, and teaching creative skills independently.  Doing “what I should” exhausted me, literally made me sick, and destroyed my ability to have healthy relationships, because I was tired, bitter, resentful, and jealous of others.  I’ve worked SIX different jobs all at once, just to avoid “getting a job” and to continue doing my creative work.  I had never made above $30,000 and most years it was a lot less.  I got to be an expert at living (happily enough, I thought) on very little, scrimping, and finding a way to do things free or cheap.  Sound familiar?

All that changed when I made the leap to honor my creativity and believe in my abilities.  I began to treat my creative work as a business and got the mentoring I needed to learn how to run a business, built a creative community, and found a way to combine my talents, skills and loves.  Now, I’m in love (and engaged), have rich, rewarding friendships and relationships with family, have a thriving and fun creative business (and no boss!), am healthy, have produced two full-length albums with another in progress, and have toured nationally numerous times.

In short, life is good, really good and full of things that, just a few years ago, I thought I would NEVER be able to have.  Things like financial security, professional recognition, the most rewarding and energizing work I’ve ever done, plenty of time and energy for personal creative projects, love, family and stability.

And now, I help other creatives like you to do the same.


This is what we need more of for brilliant creatives like YOU!  That is why I am so excited to be hosting NINE creatives from visual, performing, writing and more creative areas who have soared over their peers and taken their talents to the bank!  They are generous, funny, brilliant (just like you), and willing to share what works and what doesn’t, the HOW of their journeys so you, too, can go from starving artist to creative rock star!

Click here to find out about purchasing the Take Your Talent To The Bank Complete Upgrade to OWN all this wisdom for yourself

All it takes is taking the time to learn from all these creatives who have already succeeded and are generously sharing what they’ve learned, so you, too, can move your creative dreams to done, and gain the money, meaning, and recognition you’ve worked so hard for all these years.  Take this small step towards a new life.

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8 Experts Help You Go From Starving Artist To Creative Rock Star

I’m so excited to officially announce and invite you to join us at:

Take Your Talent To The Bank:
From Starving Artist To Creative Rock Star
A [FREE] Virtual Conference
January 8th- 11th, 2013

Ready to escape the starving artist mentality (and reality) and get the recognition, fans, and income you deserve?  Thinking about making the leap from hobby to sharing your gifts in a bigger way?

Never fear having to “get a job” again!

Learn from EIGHT successful creatives (in all different areas of creativity) who have been where you are now and used their creativity to pull ahead of their peers to earn what they deserve, develop a loyal fanbase, plus get recognized as professionals. They will share their struggles, their secrets and their strategies with you!

Besides me, you’ll hear from:

An internationally touring performer, playwright, screenwriter & more

Patty Hankins Cover_small
A best-selling author & photographer

Can't Sleep Without Sheep_small
An acclaimed children’s picture book author of nearly a dozen books

A top 5% earning actor with NY & LA careers

Melissa McFarlane
A multi-6-figure creative business coach & actor

A celebrated visionary fiber artist and painter, author, editor & more

One of the most sought after Marilyn Tribute artists in the world today

If you’re ready to register and join us (from the comfort of your own phone or computer), click here to get all the details.

You are talented.  You’ve likely spent years in school and out honing your skills and developing your vision and voice.  So, why do you still have to work three jobs (or a mind-numbing corporate job) to make ends meet?

Where is the recognition, the income, and the sense of joy you expected?  Perhaps you haven’t yet taken the leap to try to earn income from your creative work, because everyone around you tells you it’s crazy, unrealistic and impossible.  Maybe you have and you’re starting to wonder if they were all right.

Are the inner gremlins gaining power?  You know the ones that tell you that it’s just that YOU aren’t good enough, talented enough, hard-working enough?  Are they keeping you from finishing your projects and sharing them with the world?  Have they got you applying to work in soul-sucking jobs, even though you swore you’d never go back?

I have been there and felt ALL of these things.  I worked in nonprofits, as a classroom teacher, and teaching creative skills independently.  Doing “what I should” exhausted me, literally made me sick, and destroyed my ability to have healthy relationships, because I was tired, bitter, resentful, and jealous of others.  I’ve worked SIX different jobs all at once, just to avoid “getting a job” and to continue doing my creative work.  I had never made above $30,000 and most years it was a lot less.  I got to be an expert at living (happily enough, I thought) on very little, scrimping, and finding a way to do things free or cheap.  Sound familiar?

All that changed when I made the leap to honor my creativity and believe in my abilities.  I began to treat my creative work as a business and got the mentoring I needed to learn how to run a business, built a creative community, and found a way to combine my talents, skills and loves.  Now, I’m in love (and engaged), have rich, rewarding friendships and relationships with family, have a thriving and fun creative business (and no boss!), am healthy, have produced two full-length albums with another in progress, and have toured nationally numerous times.

In short, life is good, really good and full of things that, just a few years ago, I thought I would NEVER be able to have.  Things like financial security, professional recognition, the most rewarding and energizing work I’ve ever done, plenty of time and energy for personal creative projects, love, family and stability.

And now, I help other creatives like you to do the same.


This is what we need more of for brilliant creatives like YOU!  That is why I am so excited to be hosting EIGHT creatives from visual, performing, writing and more creative areas who have soared over their peers and taken their talents to the bank!  They are generous, funny, brilliant (just like you), and willing to share what works and what doesn’t, the HOW of their journeys so you, too, can go from starving artist to creative rock star!

Register and join us (from the comfort of your own phone or computer) for this FREE conference, click here to get all the details.

All it takes is registering, marking your calendar for the dates and taking the time to learn from all these creatives who have already succeeded and are generously sharing what they’ve learned, so you, too, can move your creative dreams to done, and gain the money, meaning, and recognition you’ve worked so hard for all these years.  Take this small step towards a new life.

So, register and join us (from the comfort of your own phone or computer).

PS- Even if you think you’ll be busy, go ahead and register, because all interviews will be available to listen to for at least 24 hours after they air live and recordings will be available, but you’ll miss out if you don’t sign up to receive the details.

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Leap Over Creative Blocks In A Single Bound

If you are ready to leap over creative blocks in a single bound and get more done than you thought possible on a creative project that your haven’t started, that has gotten stalled, or is simply progressing too slowly, put Saturday, October 27th on your calendar and make plans to join us in Denver, Colorado for Dream To Done In A Day: powerful, playful and perfect for your busy life!

You know that project you haven’t quite started (for 10 years) or that project that’s stalled, or even that project that’s creeping along, but you NEED to finish?  Bring it, along with your superhero cape, and we’ll get you flying forward!

Time to register, right?  Click here to begin the registration process (payment comes in a subsequent email message).  Then, pick up the phone and invite a few friends.  You can BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE or split the cost with them to attend.  That’s two inspired superheros for the price of one!

Get ready to pack your superhero cape and fly forward to the land of your creative dreams!

Have more questions?  Send me a message and I’ll be happy to answer them!

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Who Is SPARKing your creative flame?


“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.”

–Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965

One of the biggest myths about creatives and artists is that we work best in isolation.  While solitude can be a vitally important part of the creative process, isolation only ensures that your vision (something our aching world longs for) stays hidden and useless to anyone else.  It may also mean that you run out of inspiration and your vision dries up.

So, how can you turn your sputtering spark into an eternal flame that shines your story and vision out into the world?  Creative community is a place where each member brings their kindling and joins it together to build burning fires that sustain not only ourselves, but also inspire better, brighter and more meaningful work in the world.

Click here to learn more about the SPARK Program, your creative community that sparks your eternal flame of energy, creative ideas, and meaning .

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Will You Forgive Yourself If It Stays On The Shelf?


You know what I’m talking about.  That novel, that work of art, that album or creative project that’s been bouncing around in your head or maybe you’ve even begun.  Still, deep down, you know, your life won’t be complete if you let it stay hidden inside of you forever.  And, you’ll miss out on the chance to confirm your gifts and make the impact in the world you know you could. 

Discover the anatomy of a creative project, the common pitfalls we run into before we can finish them and how to bring yours to life on a free preview call for the Dream To Done Program.  Wednesday, June 6th!  Click here to register for the call and take the first step in moving your dream into reality.

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What Clients Are Saying…

Kiki Ebsen, Singer/Songwriter

"She helped me navigate the bumps and kept me on target until I reached my goals."
Inner Fire Outer Light
"She helped me navigate the bumps and kept me on target until I reached my goals."

Deb Van Poolen, Fine Artist

"It's been quite a year. It's been amazing! I feel so fortunate right now.  A year ago, I was just...
Inner Fire Outer Light
"It's been quite a year. It's been amazing! I feel so fortunate right now.  A year ago, I was just starting to earn from my art and stretching to buy a car. Now I am trading in my car for a minivan to carry my art, have stable income from art sales, teaching, and sponsorships; will likely meet my financial goal for the year and am enjoying how my work is filling a gap of knowledge about the biodiversity of the region.  At first, I didn't think the coaching would be that helpful, but I have found it invaluable." — Deb Van Poolen, Artist & Teacher

Steve Eulberg, Musician & Teacher

"I especially appreciate your overall focus on my musical life and business and the orientation to streamlining my lesson-booking and...
Inner Fire Outer Light
"I especially appreciate your overall focus on my musical life and business and the orientation to streamlining my lesson-booking and payment system so my focus could be on the educational needs and focus of my students.  My brain and schedule are much-less cluttered with the "to-dos" of scheduling and payment, and clearer for providing avenues, feedback and support for my student's goals. I developed My Student Self-Assessment Tool, which is very helpful in communicating a student's desires and goals at the outset and to which I often refer during our time together."   -Steve Eulberg Owl Mountain Music

Meg Hayertz, Author & Creative Block Remover

In just a few months, Patricia helped me turn my part-time gig into a profitable business. Patricia is accessible, pragmatic,...
Inner Fire Outer Light
In just a few months, Patricia helped me turn my part-time gig into a profitable business. Patricia is accessible, pragmatic, and supportive. Best of all, she understands the way my artist mind works, and has helped me build a life that affirms my creativity. I'm very grateful to have participated in the Love Your Livelihood program! --Meg Hayertz Author & Founder Of Creative Momentum Unlock Creative Blocks, Connect Deeply with Inspiration, & Finish Your Project!

Briget Boyle, Musician

"I had the pleasure of working with Patricia in the Dream-to-Done program and I am happy to report that I...
Inner Fire Outer Light
"I had the pleasure of working with Patricia in the Dream-to-Done program and I am happy to report that I have officially launched my first program, Unleash Your Voice. I was able to enroll 16 people in the first series and I could not be happier about it. "Patricia helped me see the value in the work I do, offered my guidance in shaking off negative self talk, and helped me shape the vision for my workshops and teaching. The elements in the Dream-to-Done program, including the group-calls and one-on-one sessions were golden and made me feel like I am not alone on this professional development journey. Patricia is smart, level-headed, and has the ability to think big, while being realistic. She helped me see that I can shape my professional life and that I no longer have to be stuck." -Briget Boyle, Musician brigetboyle.com truelifetrio.com
Inner Fire Outer Light